Travel Day

Another lovely day - I've been quite fortunate with weather. It's sunny and supposed to get up to 60 today, which is amazingly nice for Washington in January. I'm at Cyberstop answering a few emails before retrieving my bag and heading to lunch with an old friend in Arlington, then the airport. It's been a nice visit. For all the things that I grew to dislike about this town, it remains the place where I have the biggest and most solid network of friends in the world. So I expect to be burning up the miles to come back to visit for some time. (But attention, all of you - and you know who you are - visiting Houston is much more sensible in the wintertime, y'hear?)

Now back to reality. The last six months have been a pleasant break from my high tech career, but I'm getting itchy. That doesn't mean I want another soul-killing IT industry job, but it does mean that it's time to pick something and run with it. I've been setting some mental deadlines for myself - whiling away the time is nice, but it's been enough time now that it's also a little scary. So, new year, new life, on we go....

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